Edify and Elevate LLC
Tim Brison: ISSA Certified Personal Trainer, Fitness Coach, Nutritionist

Services & Rates

Weight Loss Nutrition Initial Consult

45 minutes: $50.00

Gain insight into what lifestyle changes nutritionally may benefit your weight loss goals.

Accountability Services

Are you someone that knows what they need to do to get fit, but has a hard time sticking to a plan because of the lack of accountability? This program is for you. For $50.00/ month you receive a month of accountability.

What does that entail?

- 2 check in texts or phone calls (based on client preference) per week (total of 8/month). 

- 4 buddy workouts/ month on my gym membership at Planet Fitness (Not a training session).


Supplement Guidance

Need help determining what supplements may be helpful in your health journey? Partner with E&E to get you started on the right regimen tailored to you.

Contact us for a simple survey of your needs and join Fullscripts for discounted medical grade prescriptions.


Personal Training Individual Sessions

60 minutes: $50.00
30 minutes: $25

You can also pick a package deal such as:

1 Hour Individual Training x 6 sessions = $250

30 min Individual Training x 6 sessions = $125


Personal Training Buddy Sessions

60 minutes: $30.00
30 minutes: $15.00

Buddy Sessions require 2 people signed up for the same workout, together.

Nutrition coaching follow up

Price and time for each follow up with vary depending on client needs. Not to exceed $30 for 30minutes.